Report of

South-South Cooperation Workshop

On Waste Management, Law and Governance

Bali, Indonesia, 19-21 June 2008


The South-South Cooperation Workshop on Waste Management, Law and Governance was held in Bali, Indonesia from 19-21 June 2008. The workshop was organized jointly by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia, United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and Non Aligned Movement Center for South-South Technical Cooperation (NAM CSSTC) and attended by 45 participants from 23 developing countries, and relevant international organizations, academics and civil society organizations.

The purpose of the Workshop was to share best practices and lesson learned on waste management, law and governance in developing countries and ways and means to strengthen South-South cooperation on these fields. The participants of the Workshop listened to presentations from resource persons, the field visit to SARBAGITA and discussed issues of South- South Cooperation, Integrated Solid Waste Management[1], Wastes Law and Governance.

The participants of the Workshop suggested the following actions to be considered by Governments, stakeholders, relevant international and regional organizations, multilateral environmental agreements with regard to the main issues of workshops:

1.      Awareness-raising on waste management issues for all stakeholders particularly on the need for reduce, reuse, and recycle (3R) and proper treatment of disposal of waste.

2.      More work to be carried out to clearly demonstrate environment, economic and social dimensions created by ISWM

3.      Consideration of inter-linkages with other sectors, such as energy, trade, industry, health, etc, in the development of the ISWM approaches.

4.      Creating and enabling environment for investment both domestic and foreign sources, including development of case studies and instruments to encourage financial institution and development banks to establish dedicated schemes to finance the implementation of ISWM Plans at national/local level.

5.      UNEP, in cooperation with other relevant organizations, should support demonstration and pilot projects at national and local level with extensive replication potential with an emphasis on ISWM strategies and action plans.

6.      UNEP should develop guidelines and support (a) development of policy (regulatory and economics instruments) and voluntary instruments leading to formation of a conducive policy framework (b) identification and assessment of environmentally sound technologies for waste collection, segregation, reuse/recycle, treatment and disposal.

7.      UNEP and NAM CSSTC should continue their cooperation in capacity building and technology support, in line with the Bali Strategic Plan on Technology Support and Capacity Building, in developing countries on ISWM through development and extensive delivery of training packages.

8.      UNEP, with the support of NAM CSSTC, relevant regional  organizations, convention secretariate and regional centres, should facilitate information exchange and capacity building on waste management, such as the following issues:

·         Exchange information on environmentally sound management of hazardous wastes.

·         Disseminate and update guidelines of environmentally sound technologies on waste open dumping area and landfill.

·         Best practices and lessons learned on best available and environmentally sound waste technology, waste management, financing and governance, including law enforcement mechanisms and combating illegal trafficking of hazardous wastes or other wastes.

·         Experience on the effectiveness of coordination among different stakeholders in particular national and local institutions and other stakeholders involved in waste management.

·         Capacity to develop project proposals for specific schemes/actions under ISWM.

9.      Promoting and enhancing sustainable public-private partnership and public-public partnership on ISWM.

10.  Utilizing the existing international and regional centres to support the SSC, including NAM CSSTC and BCRC.

11.  Promoting the information sharing on the use of the instruments of the extended producer responsibility in ISWM.

12.  NAM CSSTC to take step for promoting SSC in ISWN, including (a) exchange of expert and trainers, (b) opportunities for study visit, and (c) providing platform for Business to Business and Business to Government.

13.  Stressing the need to strengthen triangular cooperation on the waste management areas shared by the developing countries.

14.  Developing webpage on ISWM, best practices, and roster of experts of developing countries.

15.  Strengthening the coordination role of UNEP in providing technical assistance of ISWM, law and governance to developing countries.

The participants expressed their appreciation to the Government of Indonesia, UNEP and NAM CSSTC for their excellent organization of the workshop. They also look forward to having a strengthened cooperation in the areas of ISWM, wastes law and governance among their countries and with the assistance of relevant international and regional institutions.

[1] Definition of ISWM shall always include reference to the environmentally sound management

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